Let’s Learn about Jesus “Isa (as)” workshop – Sunday 17/12/23


✨ *What will the children learn at the workshop of prophet Isa (as)?* ✨
✒️ The story of the family of prophet Isa (as) and his miraculous birth.
✒️ The nativity details as mentioned in the Quran.
✒️Miracles given by Allah’s permission to Isa (as) and His messengers and the wisdom behind them.
✒️What should Muslims do in Christmas.
✒️ Many faith ideas including; the names and attributes of Allah, the belief in Allah’s prophets and books and many others.

🎨 *How will children learn these facts?* ✂️🧶
📌 By interactive learning, where ideas and verses will be explained in a simple and smooth way. The children will then complete some interesting activities to tease their brains and ensures their interaction and their understanding.🧩✂️🎨📌

Hurry and book using early20 code to get 20% early bird discount before the 12th of December



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